International Aerial Robotics Competition The International Aerial Robotics Competition is the longest running collegiate aerial robotics challenge in the world. Entering its third decade of advancing the state of the art in autonomous aerial robotic behavior, the competition continues to tackle challenges that are currently impossible for any flying robots owned by government or industry. Your browser does not support the video tag.
Home Georgia Tech School of Chemical Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Tech School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Pulp and Paper Certificate Program. School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Professor Ng Wins Award from Dreyfus Foundation. Nanotexturing Creates Bacteria-Killing Spikes on Stainless Steel Surfaces.
Home Page Counseling Center VP and Dean of Students Referral Form. Change Direction at Georgia Tech. Learn more about the many different services the Counseling Center offers Georgia Tech students. Students experiencing a crisis that requires immediate attention may speak with a counselor at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A program that provides easy access to i.
GT-HSOC Student Blog This page will help you keep up with events happening in HSOC, provide advising information for current students, inform you of upcoming recruiting events for prospective students, and share news with our HSOC alums. Say Hello to the NEW HSOC Website and Blog.
Home Georgia Tech International Initiatives Guiding Principles for International Initiatives. Over 2,000 students participate annually in more than 90 programs abroad. Georgia Tech has programs and agreements in 250 destinations in over 60 countries, along with research collaborations and alumni all over the world.
GT Office of Information Technology GT Office of Information Technology. OneIT Building Connections at Georgia Tech. Learn how IT organizations at Tech are building a stronger IT community. Enterprise services that support the administrative and business functions of the Institute. Includes ERP systems, analytics, business intelligence, research administration, and printing services. Core enterprise-level IT infrastructure that provides underlying support for institutional activities.
School of Public Policy Effective Reflective Sustainable Center for Advanced Communications Policy. An interdisciplinary, collaborative, research intensive, globally engaged school oriented to the future of public policy. BS, MS and PhD degrees to those intrigued by complex problem-solving in the public interest. On science and technology, the environment, economic development and governance of information technology. Lee on The Bureaucratization of Science. Dr Milton Mueller Joins the School of Public Policy.