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JIRA combines issue tracking, agile project management, customisable workflow, and a pluggable integration framework to increase the velocity of your software development team. Confluence is where your team collaborates and shares knowledge create, share and discuss your files, ideas, minutes, specs, mockups, diagrams, and projects. Git repository management for enterprise teams. Information for CGH Employees including HR Forms, Phone Lists, CMMI2, and more.
涓烘帰绱 嵂鐗 爺鍙戜腑鎶 鏈 笌甯傚満缁撳悎鐨勬柊閫斿緞锛屽姞寮虹 鐮斾笌浜т笟鍖栫殑琛旀帴锛屾惌寤轰笌鍥介檯鎺ヨ建鐨勬柊鑽 爺鍙戞妧鏈 钩鍙帮紝涓哄叏鍥藉尰鑽 涓氭彁渚涙湇鍔? 涓 績鏈 儴鍗犲湴5浜 紝鎷ユ湁闈 Н涓? 00鍏嗘牳纾併 侀珮鏁堟恫鐩歌壊璋变华銆佹恫璐ㄨ繛鐢ㄨ壊璋变华銆佹皵鐩歌壊璋变华銆佺传澶栨 娴嬩华銆佹墜鎬ф棆鍏夋 娴嬩华銆? 姒傚喌 鑽 墿鍚堟垚瀹ょ敱灏忚瘯鐮旂 鍜屼腑璇曟斁澶т袱閮ㄥ垎缁勬垚锛屽叾涓 皬璇曢儴鍒嗙敱涓変釜鐩稿 鐙 珛鐨勭爺绌舵 闃熺粍鎴愶紝鍚勬 闃熷潎鐢辨柊鑽 紑鍙戠粡楠屼赴瀵岀殑椤圭洰缁忕悊鍙婃搷浣滅啛缁冪殑瀹為獙浜哄憳缁勬垚锛涘悎鎴愬 閰嶅 鏈夋爣鍑嗙殑涓 瘯瀹為獙瀹わ紝鐢ㄤ簬瀹屾垚. A 澶 槼鍩庢 鍝? A 濂旈 瀹濋 鑰佽檸鏈烘墦娉? A 濂旈 瀹濋 鑰佽檸鏈鸿 寰? A 姊 搱鎶 宸? .
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